Grandma Shaida (John's mom)
Uncle Grant (John's youngest brother)
Grandpa Shaida (John's dad) on the far right... and our friend Christy on the far left (her hubby Cody came to see us later)
Great Grandpa Stayton (John's grandpa)
Grandpa and Grandma Holm (my dad & mom)
My friend Candace introducing Kate to her daughter, Kennedy
Dustin, Emile and Kaci meeting "bebekate" (as Emile fondly calls her)
Also, our friend Kristen came to see Kate (and take pictures of her!)... ironically enough we didn't get a picture of them together :(
The next morning, Wednesday (which is when we were supposed to be released), we realized Kate was having some issues with her oxygen levels. After some testing, she was admitted to the infant ICU and immediately put on oxygen. The staff also found that she had a slight heart murmur and a low resting heart rate... which can often be "nothing", but caused more tests, more waiting and more evaluating over the next couple of days. It was an emotional time, but God's peace was evident and we knew He had Kate in the palm of His hand. The staff was amazing - they were so thorough and gracefully explained every step for us.

Thankfully, all of Kate's tests came back fine and come Friday morning the only thing keeping us there was her need for a little bit of extra oxygen. They released us with an at-home oxygen tank... and we gladly accepted that small inconvenience, to be able to finally show Kate her new home. :)

Uncle Grant (John's youngest brother)
Grandpa Shaida (John's dad) on the far right... and our friend Christy on the far left (her hubby Cody came to see us later)
Great Grandpa Stayton (John's grandpa)
Grandpa and Grandma Holm (my dad & mom)
My friend Candace introducing Kate to her daughter, Kennedy
Dustin, Emile and Kaci meeting "bebekate" (as Emile fondly calls her)
Also, our friend Kristen came to see Kate (and take pictures of her!)... ironically enough we didn't get a picture of them together :(
The next morning, Wednesday (which is when we were supposed to be released), we realized Kate was having some issues with her oxygen levels. After some testing, she was admitted to the infant ICU and immediately put on oxygen. The staff also found that she had a slight heart murmur and a low resting heart rate... which can often be "nothing", but caused more tests, more waiting and more evaluating over the next couple of days. It was an emotional time, but God's peace was evident and we knew He had Kate in the palm of His hand. The staff was amazing - they were so thorough and gracefully explained every step for us.
Thankfully, all of Kate's tests came back fine and come Friday morning the only thing keeping us there was her need for a little bit of extra oxygen. They released us with an at-home oxygen tank... and we gladly accepted that small inconvenience, to be able to finally show Kate her new home. :)
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