Wow... where have I been?? My last post was the end of June. Whoops. It seems like our summer just flew by. In July, we spent a week at the lake with my family. We had great weather and were able to spend lots of time soaking up the sun. We had a blast playing with our nephews and niece. Uncle John is a big hit with them... the adoration is mutual. :)
Also in July, John's grandma passed away, after having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just 5 weeks before. Walking through that with the family made us even more grateful for the blessing of our families and strength we gain from one another and from our always faithful Lord. John and I were so thankful for the time we had been able to spend with Grandma (and Grandpa) Stayton here in Colorado. We lots of great memories with her.
A little more current... Wednesday was John's 26th birthday and we got together with some friends to celebrate. We had NY style pizza, cream soda and a peanut butter cup Blizzard ice cream cake... if you know John, you know that's a "John meal". After dinner we went bowling, where Johnny dominated. Or maybe we let him dominate - it was his birthday!