Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Kate loooooves her daddy.  She seems enamored with him - whether he's singing to her, talking to her, making her laugh... he always has her complete attention.  I love seeing them interact.  When people have asked me "what's your favorite part about being a mom so far" my answer has been, seeing John be a dad to Kate.  I think we're both a tiny bit surprised with how natural it all came to him. He's so great with her.

Catching up on some sleep
Showing Kate her first snow
Calming Kate down after bathtime
"Daddy, you funnie"

The morning of Mother's Day... John told me to sleep in and he got up with Kate.  He got her all ready for church, then brought her in to me with a pouch hanging from her arm with a cutie necklace in it  :)

All Smiles

This little girl is so happy!  She will pretty much smile at us every time we try to get her to - and even times when we aren't trying  :)  

She's growing so fast, which can be kinda sad.  But then again, if she wasn't, we'd be missing out on all this...

Even when Daddy sits her on a watermelon... she'll still grin at him  :)