Monday, January 16, 2012

Wheel... of... Fortune!

So I'm a BIG Wheel of Fortune fan... kind of an embarrassing personal fact. Nonetheless, I love it. So while we were in California for John's cousin's wedding this Fall, we popped in at The Wheel. (that's what all insiders call it, you know.)  So we got to sit in for 1 session which actually consisted of 3 separate shows. The shows aired a couple weeks ago and I was shocked to see that we were all on camera!!!  I kept shouting out answers to all the puzzles so I think they were impressed and wanted me on camera. (Ok for real though... there was a lady in the audience who seriously would yell out the puzzle once she figured it out. Which of course they told us we could NOT do. The show workers kept yelling at her... and she'd clamp her hand over her mouth to try and contain her outbursts.  Thankfully she finally got the hang of keeping her realizations to herself.)

So here's a couple of clips showing our prime time debut!  In the first one you'll see the camera scroll over the audience and we're in the front row... John's brother, me, John and his dad and mom. Then the next one, they show the contestant's family and John and I are sitting directly to the right of them.  :)

Next time you see me on The Wheel, I'll hopefully be a contestant. I'll probably have lost each round and they'll give me $1000 as a parting gift... which will pay for my travel.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I love Wheel of Fortune! And I would take the $1000 dollars too. That sounds like a great time.
