We're looking at girl names... oh my gosh, so much pressure! We had the boy name all set - he'd be John Hamilton Shaida, IV. But I didn't really have anything in mind for a girl, so we're starting from scratch. Have you looked through one of those baby name books??? Ughhhhhh. My eyes start crossing and everything sounds the same after about 5 mins (which is long enough to get through about 1/3 of ONE LETTER of the alphabet).
I actually did have one baby girl name that I've liked for awhile... Ella. That was until I said it with our last name. Ella Shaida. ellashaida. Say it out loud, quickly. ellashaida. I think it sounds like one long foreign name. So we keep looking...
Here's a few ultrasound pics!
Her profile... she's looking at her lil hand :) |
Kicking her feet out |
Waving at us |
Awww congratulations Kelly!! I'm so happy for you guys and so excited it's a girl!!! Will you guys be coming home again before the baby comes?