Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!

We had an ultrasound before the holidays and got to find out that we are having a GIRL!!!!!!  (John and I both thought it was a girl from the moment we found out I was pregnant - which is so crazy.)  The ultrasound went on quite awhile with the tech convinced we weren't going to be able to see the gender that day... baby had her legs bunched up and she wouldn't move for anything.  I actually got up and walked around a bit to try and get her to move... and it worked!  When we looked again, we saw right away it was a girl.  I got really emotional and excited... John too.  Knowing she's a baby girl and not just an "it" made things (and her) feel so real.  The ultrasound tech left and John looked at me with a huge grin on his face - but then got kind of serious and whispered "I don't know anything about raising a girl".  :D  I laughed and assured him that I do - that's what makes this so great and why God created families the way He did.

We're looking at girl names... oh my gosh, so much pressure!  We had the boy name all set - he'd be John Hamilton Shaida, IV.  But I didn't really have anything in mind for a girl, so we're starting from scratch.  Have you looked through one of those baby name books???  Ughhhhhh.  My eyes start crossing and everything sounds the same after about 5 mins (which is long enough to get through about 1/3 of ONE LETTER of the alphabet).

I actually did have one baby girl name that I've liked for awhile... Ella.  That was until I said it with our last name.  Ella Shaida.  ellashaida.  Say it out loud, quickly.  ellashaida.  I think it sounds like one long foreign name.  So we keep looking...

Here's a few ultrasound pics!

Her profile... she's looking at her lil hand   :)

Kicking her feet out

Waving at us

1 comment:

  1. Awww congratulations Kelly!! I'm so happy for you guys and so excited it's a girl!!! Will you guys be coming home again before the baby comes?
