Oh Thanksgiving, you really are my favorite holiday. Without fail you come bearing wonderful things like my 1) precious family...
My adorable Mom... "Unca John" playing peek-a-boo (sorta) with Emily
Padrick wanted her to wear his hat
2) tons of yummy food (it is SO not an exaggeration when I tell you that I definitely eat the most on this day than any other - and love every bite!) and last but not least, Thanksgiving brings my favorite shopping day of the year!
That's right - it's tradition! My sisters and I get up waaaay before the sun on the Friday after Thanksgiving, pile into my Mom's mini van and brave the freezing cold and crazy people to get ourselves some deals. And some Starbucks. And some Egg McMuffins... cuz those are all part of the tradition too!

My seesters! Love them to PIECES Padrick and I are both pooped after a long day of fun and shopping
Anyway, always lots of fun times and great memories at Thanksgiving... oh how I love it! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too. Now we're off to New York/Jersey to spend Christmas with John's side of the family! More great memories coming up! :) I'm so blessed to have two amazing families to spend holidays with. (Oh yeah, that's reason number 4 for Thanksgiving... its another chance to stop and realize just how blessed I am.)
Merry Christmas everyone!!
The fam at Notre Dame's stadium
I just wanted to say hi and even though you might not know it, I've always kept up with your blog. I am officially on now...to chronicle the life of baby g, but I just wanted to let you know and tell you hello.